Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Congrats on your Engagement!

My little bro' got engaged a few weeks ago. He is engaged to a very nice girl, her name is Joy! Eddie took her to Don' Cesars (sp?) Restaurant in St. Pete. They had a lovely dinner. During dinner Eddie told Joy he had to go to the restroom, but really wasn't. The story will tell the reason. After dinner, Eddie had a beach bag with a blanket, etc. He asked Joy if they could go sit out on the beach and watch the sunset! So, they laid down there blanket and enjoyed the sunset. While sitting on the blanket, there was a bottle with a cork sticking out of the sand. I am not sure who noticed it first but they pulled the bottle out of the sand and inside, Eddie had a poem with the last words saying-Will You Marry Me! Very cute and romantic (Eddie you did a good job, and your lil' sister too, HA!). They are planning on getting married in the spring of 09'. I am looking forward to being in the wedding and apart of their lives. We love you guys!
A little bit about them both: Joy just graduated from Stetson Law School. She will be practicing law in Greenville, South Carolina. Eddie will be a firefighter in Greenville. Looking forward to a place to visit!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah im pretty slick and romantic. Thanks for the kind words, we look forward to everyone visiting us in Greenville! We love you guys!

Eddie and Joy.