Monday, May 12, 2008


I wanted to write down some of my blessings I have in my life. It is important to reflect and remember what we are here for to love people and love God.

1. God (still learning so much, but he should always be #1)
2. My Husband-I have to brag. He is the greatest (im my opinion). He truly does the laundry, mows the yard, cooks dinner, grocery shops and packs the girls lunches. These are just a few of the many things he does for our family. I couldn't ask for more, thanks Ryan. I love you!
3. My Children-I have two very precious girls. Madi and Maci keep us busy and we love them both very much.
4. My Church-I am blessed to say that I have a wonderful Church (Grace Bible) that is grounded in biblical beliefs not on religion or certain denominations. We feel free to read God's word and focus on applying the word to our lives. I love the fact that we have a body of Christ focused on the word not about meetings, color of the carpet or political beliefs, as Andrew always says and wants us to keep focused on him (God) not things. Andrew Kastanis is our pastor and has a true gift. What an amazing person that knows the word and is able through his talents to help us to grasp the word so we can apply it in our lives. Thanks to Heidi, Andrew's wife who graciously supports the church and is a great christian woman.
5. My Extended Family-Ryan and I couldn't be any luckier to have both sets of parents that live in Sebring. My mother-in-law is always with her grandchildren. Maci and Madi love to go to Grandma Becky's house. My Mom and Dad are always their for us and the girls. They support Madi and Maci in everything they do. Grandad Robert is always playing crazy games with the girls until he is wore out. Madison was also very happy to see him at everyone of her competitions. Thanks GRANDPARENTS!! We are both blessed to have many people in our lives, many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and brother and sister-n-laws.

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