Decluttered, look at all the space?
Cluttered Garage (looks familiar)
Organized and beautiful!
Unorganized bedroom
Organized and beautiful!
Unorganized bedroom
This hits home with me! We use our dinning table for folding clothes and at times they stay there for a few days. This is their table filled with clutter (sorry I forgot to upload the cleaned up table).
Last night at Bible group, Jenn informed us to get online to Oprah's website within the next 48 hours and you can receive a FREE Snapfish photo album. These are great for gifts. Online, it gives an idea to take your child's art projects and take digital photos of their artwork, upload them to snapfish and you will get a bound book with the kids' artwork. I love this idea!
So, hurry and sign up today!
Also, Oprah is kicking off a series called "Oprah's clean up your messy home". Love it! I just started to get on a kick myself on getting organized. My issue, is where do I begin? One room at a time, one drawer, one cabinet, etc. The website is going to have detailed ideas on cleaning up clutter and organizing and put into phases for you to follow. Looking forward to following along and getting some tips. I uploaded some pictures to show how cluttered we can make our house and the end results.
My project right now is organizing my jewelry. My necklaces get tangled and I can't even see what I have to wear? So, I got on how to.. on You Tube. Great ideas! One was using a corkboard and covering with material and adding push pins to hold necklaces, braclets, etc. I went to Wally World and bought 4 small square corkboards and begin my organizing. I put the corkboards on the back of my closet door so that when I am choosing outfits I can also grab my jewelry. I will have a post soon with the finally product. I have bought trays from Bed Bath and Beyond and the jewelry still tangles. I will post pictures soon of my jewelry organizer boards.
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