Sunday, January 4, 2009

Promise Kept

Hello Everyone, it seems forever! I promised myself and kids that I would not blog or use the computer over Christmas Break and I did it! I am so happy for myself. Because as most of you know bloggin' and the internet can be addicting and take up time. It really does take up time away from your family so I try and make an effort to blog and internet search when the kidos are in bed. When I began blogging, my main goal was to capture all our memories and experiences down and then print the pages as I go and keep them for the girls in a binder. It has worked great. They love looking back at the pictures and reading about all the fun times! Scrapbooking days for me are slim so this is a way to document and get it done as we live through the memories.
Enjoy our Christmas Break! Some days are out of order because I am still looking for a camera I misplaced around the house.

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